Salva Mi Máquina

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Salva Mi Máquina, a company that sells and repairs smartphones, tablets, and computers. This is the showcase website and Ecommerce platform of the company, entirely built with Ruby on Rails and Solidus framework.

Salva Mi Máquina uses an entreprise resource planning (ERP) software called RepairShopr to manage, among other things, their products (inventory, prices, skus, images, descriptions etc..), their invoices, their client database...

One of the biggest challenges of this project was to integrate RepairShopr with the Ecommerce so that both platforms are automatically synchronized:

  • Creating a new product on RepairShopr will automatically create it on the Ecommerce
  • Making a purchase on the Ecommerce will automatically update stocks and create an invoice on RepairShopr
  • Inventory levels are synchronized between both platforms in real time
  • etc...

What I did on this project

  • Backend web development
  • Frontend web development

Tools & Technology used

Ruby on Rails Solidus Bootstrap Sidekiq Sentry Cloudinary Postmark PostgreSQL